1. Cases for PAAR lamps. Partitions lined with technical foam protects the lamps from hitting each.
2. Case for "Starlight scanner". Symmetrical horizontal partitioning makes it easier to put and takeout equipment.
3. Case for "Futurelight scanners".
4. Cases for Mack 250/300/500 /600 with a protecting inserts that are adjusted to suit the lamps.
5. The side compartment for tools and accessories.
6. Case for ZOOM 1200. Divisions system protects the unit from damage. The whole lined with PEfoam.
7. Boxes for the headlights. Layered - the ribbed corners. Coupled with clamp lock.
8. Case for LED lamps. With a removable tray.
9. Case for LED lamps.
10. Case for the scanners. Side runners allow vertical setting.
11. Case for Flash 2000L lamps. Side place for accessories.
12. Case for GLP heads. Separate place for cables and accessories.
13. Case for 4 lamps Desisti MAGIS 300 with tripods. Place for cables and accessories.
14. Trunk for Atomic 3000 DMX lamp. Interior lined with technical foam.
15. Trunk for lamps. Interior lined with technical foam.
16. Case for Flash FL672 lamps. Storeys, the ability to transport 5, 10 or 15 lamps.
17. Case for Sharpy Clay Paky heads. Foam inserts secure heads.
18. Case for 6 lamps EuroLite LED bar. Removable horizontal divider, flat corners.
19. Case for 8 lamps LED bar. Removable horizontal divider, ball corners.
20. Case for 4 laserheads Art Laser AL-S1800. Fixed dividers with technical foam.
21. Case for 4 lamps SGM Palco3. Fixed dividers with technical foam.
22. Case for 6 lamps ETC Source Four Zoom. Fixed dividers with technical foam.
23. "Combo" case for DTS Delta 10 lamp. The bottom with vent grille.
24. Case for Showtec Spectral M800IP67. Removable tray with place for accessories.
25. Case for 2 lamps Stairville Blinder 4.
26. Case for 6 lamps Stairville Blinder 4.
27. Case for Showtec Sunstrip Activ lamps.
28. Case for JBLED A7 zoom lamp.
29. Case for DTS FOS-100FC lamps. Stackable. Removable tray.
30. Case for 2 dynamic lamps. Inside a separate space for accessories.
31. Flight case for lamps EUROLITE LED BAR.
32. Box for 4 lamps led moving head zoom 91. Separate space for accessories.
33. Box for 2 lamps led moving head zoom 91. Separate space for accessories.
34. Box for 12 lamps FLASH LED PAR 64 186x RGBW DMX. Inside removable tray for 6 lamps.
35. Case for 6 lamps Eurolite LED SLS-12QCM. Middle pocket for cables.
36. Case for 6 lamps AmericanDJ Flat PAR TRI7X. Middle pocket for cables.
37. Case for 6 lamps Eurolite LED PAR-64 ZOOM 72W. Side compartment for cables.
38. Case "suitcase type" for 4 lamps Eurolite LEDBars TH-56.
39. Set of stackable cases for 8 lamps Showtec Sunstrip Active 13.
40. Case for 2 lamps Eurolite LED Blinder 4xPAR-36 TCL black.
41. Case for 2 lamps Stairville MV250H. Middle space for cables.
42. Case for 8 lamps LED PAR. Removable top tray, compartment for accessories.
43. Cases for Canto 1200 msd/msr. Compartment for accessories.
44. Case for 12 lamps LED PAR. Fittings on the cover allows for stacking boxes.
45. Case for 6 lamps Eurolite LED (Floor) SLS-183-10 RGB. Longitudinal compartment for cables.
46. Case for 20 lamps Eurolite LED bars. Protective separators.
47. Case for 6 lamps PAR type. Middle pocket for cables.
48. Set of stackable cases for 24 lamps PAR. Middle pocket for cables.
49. Case for single headlight Moving Head.
50. Case for 4 headlights LED Moving Head. Fittings on the lid allows stacking.
51. Case for tripods for lights. Dedicated space for accessories.
52. Case for 2 ROBE Robin 800 LEDWash. Space for accessories.
53. Case for 2 LED boards.
54. Case for 2 strobo SGM X5 White LED Strobe. Space for accessories.